The Planetary Emergency is a Crisis of Spirituality

I am often asked, ‘What do we do in response to the climate crisis [or insert whichever particular crisis you want]?’ 'How do we organise politically?' 'How do we counter the fossil fuel industries?' 'How do we resist vested interest lobbying?' 'How do we influence the right people?'

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Thanks Nafeez. This speaks powerfully to the actions I have taken.
I have seen this referred to as disconnection within and disconnection from nature.
I started down this path (unknowingly) when I decided to ‘follow the laws of nature’ as a principle led approach which would be more effective (than reading yet more books on psychological safety, motivation etc) when working within a large organisation. I understood the words but, at the time, was baffled on what this could mean practically within Lloyds Bank.
Fast forward 4 years and I have acquired self-confidence, recognized and addressed my (unconscious) self-esteem issues and discovered that I do have ambition!
I believe (backed up by my experience) that we have co-evolved with the natural world in deep and subtle ways that we are still uncovering (e.g. the science of awe) such that it becomes our source of power as we appreciate that we are nature and, for example, start to understand how this manifests itself in our life.
My LinkedIn profile is my best expression of my nature as I understand it now -